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Inside Expedia’s New San Francisco Offices
Office Snapshots
Travel booking site Expedia recently moved into a new office space designed by Rapt Studio and built by BCCI Construction. The new office is meant to be tailored to the local workforce but flexible enough to accommodate mobile workers.
For their San Francisco office, Expedia wanted a space with a raw and natural feel, selecting 10,000 sf at a historic building: 114 Sansome Street.
Expedia wanted a wide range of environments and an office that was more tailored to a mobile workforce – flexibility was key. With a mix of environments and functionality, staff are able find their own personal nook within the space, offering a place for both introverts and extroverts. Rapt’s design team took into account such variables as preferred seating and types and postures, as well as different sound levels – incorporating lively and quiet zones. After-hours lighting also ensures that the space takes on a different feel after dark, much like the character of any city or urban environment...

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