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In The News | May 6, 2021

BCCI's Mike Scribner shares what makes a good workplace

Out of the challenges and changes of the last year, valuable lessons have been learned. We share some of the hard-earned nuggets of wisdom that companies on our Best Places to Work Lists will be taking with them as they move forward...

Insights and wisdom from our 2021 Bay Area Best Places to Work

Julia Cooper | San Francisco Business Times

Out of the challenges and changes of the last year, valuable lessons have been learned. We share some of the hard-earned nuggets of wisdom that companies on our Best Places to Work Lists will be taking with them as they move forward...

Did the pandemic change your definition of what makes a good workplace?

"From a cultural perspective, the pandemic reinforced our values as an organization, the importance of regular, transparent communication, social connection, commitment, and teamwork. From a physical standpoint, we see workplaces evolving to accommodate a hybrid work model and provide different types of spaces that support employee health and wellness."

Michael Scribner, President and CEO, BCCI Construction
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