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In The News | August 21, 2020

How Middle Market 50 honoree BCCI Construction got back to work early and safely

The longstanding commercial office contractor is now also at the forefront in helping other companies think through their own process of reopening. BCCI Construction Chief Operating Officer Dominic Sarica shared how the company got back to work and is looking to reorient their business amid the pandemic.

Kevin Truong | San Francisco Business Times

As San Francisco’s formerly bustling downtown has become a virtual ghost town because of Covid-19, one of the companies that has returned to its office is BCCI Construction. The longstanding commercial office contractor is now also at the forefront in helping other companies think through their own process of reopening. BCCI Construction Chief Operating Officer Dominic Sarica shared how the company got back to work and is looking to reorient their business amid the pandemic...

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