Our team partnered with the Consulate General of the Netherlands to build a modern office space for the relocation of several Dutch government entities from Los Angeles to One Montgomery Tower in downtown San Francisco. The new office serves as the primary location for the Dutch government’s activities in the Western United States.
Because many of the materials and furnishings were fabricated in the Netherlands and shipped to the U.S. for installation, construction of the office space commenced while components, including the transaction and visa counters and entry framing systems, were constructed overseas. The team coordinated with the Dutch Consulate’s suppliers to ensure measurements of both the furnishings and electrical system were properly converted and met the local building code.
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs requires a specific level of security for all overseas missions. In order to meet these standards, a robust security system was installed for various offices and entries.
Additionally, the Consulate was committed to implementing sustainable design and construction concepts. Features such as materials that provide longevity and lighting systems that minimize energy use contributed to the project achieving LEED CI Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.