BCCI Construction completed the headquarters for mobile payment company Square. The distinctive space, which is made up of 100,000 square foot floorplates was designed to maximize workplace innovation by incorporating a city-like “boulevard” that cuts through the large open plan area, allowing coworkers to easily intermingle. The new office features a gourmet cafeteria, library, wellness center, smoothie and juice bar, and other custom amenities, such as freestanding “cabanas.” Employees can also enjoy the full service, custom coffee bar on the 6th floor that was built to resemble a café and retail coffee store, as well as, the main dining room, cafeteria and auditorium on the 9th floor which can accommodate up to 1,700 people.
The new headquarters is just the latest interiors build-out that BCCI has completed for Square. Having previously worked on the company’s 110 Fifth Street space, BCCI has witnessed firsthand the rapid growth of Square, from startup to trailblazer. As such, BCCI has been uniquely positioned to address the implications and requirements of the company’s evolving workplace environment.